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But I REALLY Want It!!!

But I REALLY Want It!!!

Ever have those time when you want something, but your budget doesn’t allow it? Well that’s me literally every time I’m out shopping. Being a college definitely cuts back on my finances. I have some shopping issues, like shopaholic type. Every one has that little voice in their head that says buy it even though you don’t need it. Well my problem happens to be with shoes. I absolutely love them. But here’s the kicker, I HATE wearing shoes. It’s just better to be barefoot. I love to look at shoes and have them, but not to wear them at all. I know that’s so ass backwards and all, but its the truth. I’ve even found some thrifted shoes that was in my budget, so I’m doing pretty good at budgeting myself. Whenever you have that voice that screams “BUY IT” don’t do it. It’ll wind you in a financial squeeze and have you regretting your items. Trust me, it’s me every time!


Homemade Body Butter

Homemade Body Butter

For those looking for new remedies for dry hair, I’ve found a solution. I have made a butter that is dual purpose for hair and skin. It’s made with some simple at home oils and butter.
Shea Butter 1/2-1 cup
Jojoba Oil 1 tbsp
Coconut Oil ” ”
Sweet Almond Oil ” ”
Vitamin E Oil ” ”
Aloe Vera Gel (Optional for hair) 1 tsp
Hand Mixer
Instructions are quite simple:
a) Begin heating the shea butter lightly, but not to a melt
b) once the butter is slightly to a melt, begin mixing until blended into a whip
c) while mixing, begin adding your oils (this can include fragrance and essential oils)
d)when everything is done being mixed use an old plastic or metal container for storage.
e) lastly, let butter sit for a few hours and until it’s cooled down enough

Have Fun with it! Don’t be afraid to try other oils that aren’t listed